Accessory tools
Insulation panels in expanded polystyrene with closed cells, isotropic RF (flame retardant) specific for thermal insulation, manufactured in compliance with the norm UNI EN 13163. All panels have the CE- ETICS marking for thermal insulation in buildings. Resulting very versatile and easy to handle , they combine the advantages of a perfect sintering to those of the product characteristics: high insulating power, unaltered over time; excellent mechanical performance; permeability to water vapor but impermeability to water (water absorption by capillarity, null); impregnability by molds and bacteria; lightweight and cheap.
Risultando decisamente versatili e maneggevoli, uniscono i vantaggi di una perfetta sinterizzazione a quelli caratteristici del prodotto:
- elevato potere isolante, inalterato nel tempo;
- ottime prestazioni meccaniche;
- permeabile al vapore acqueo ma impermeabile all’acqua (assorbimento dell’acqua per capillarità nullo);
- inattaccabilità da parte di muffe e batteri;
- leggero ed economico;

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Security Card