HYDROLEGNO Finitura lucida

Water based woodstains

Glossy finishing product with water-based acrylic resins suitable for the protection of all wood products for outdoor and indoor use. It forms a film with considerable resistance to stress and external aggressions which maintains during the time high elasticity, thus preventing the phenomena of cracking of the dried film. Non-yellowing and non-flaking.

Vernice di finitura ad acqua a base di resine acriliche adatta per la protezione e decorazione di tutti i manufatti in legno in esterno ed interno. Forma una pellicola dotata di notevole resistenza alle sollecitazioni ed aggressioni esterne che mantiene nel tempo caratteristiche di notevole elasticità, impedendo così i fenomeni di fessurazione del film essiccato. Non ingiallisce e non sfoglia rendendo semplici eventuali operazioni di periodica manutenzione.


Nature of the pigments modified acrylic resins in water dispersion, non-yellowing, non-flaking
Solid content 43%±1
Dried product appearance glossy
Viscosity at 20 ° C 15’’
Application brush, spray, roller
Dilution ready to use
Yield 10-12 sqm/lt for 1 coat, depending on the surface to be treated
Drying time to touch 2-3 hours, hardened in depth 18-24 hours
Recoat 18-24 hours under normal conditions of temperature and humidity

2,5 L – 0,75 L

caf-icon-03Protect from frost


caf-icon-04Use water immediately
after use

caf_pdf-02Data Sheet

caf_pdf-01Security Card