Solvent based undercoat

Antirust based synthetic zinc phosphate, with a good anticorrosive power and easy to apply. It is suitable for the protection of iron structures and metallic carpentry. Overpaintable with our enamel Pintoil Top.


Composition medium oil alkyd resin
Nature of the pigments inorganic highly resistant to weathering with phenolic modification
Solid content 81%±2
Recommended film thickness per coat 25-35 μ
Dried product appearance matt
Viscosity at 20 ° C 15-20’’
Application brush, roller, spray
Dilution 5-15% approx. with white spirit
Yield 10 sqm/lt, 1 coat
Drying time to touch 5-6 hours, hardened in depth 24 hours
Recoat 18-24 hours under normal conditions of temperature and humidity

2,5 L – 0,5 L

caf-icon-03Protect from frost


caf-icon-04Use white spirit
immediately after use

caf_pdf-02Data Sheet

caf_pdf-01Security Card